Holloman AFB Outdoor Recreation - RV Rental

Military RVshare
661 Delaware Avenue
Holloman AFB, NM
United States

Outdoor Recreation, Equipment & Rentals

Bumper Pull Camping Trailers

Address: 661 Delaware Avenue, Bldg. 234
Ph. (575) 572 - 5369

Mon - Fri: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sat: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Closed Federal Holidays
Email us at hollomanodr@gmail.com
Web: https://www.hollomanfss.com/odr

Here at ODR we are dedicated to ensure that your time at Holloman AFB is exciting and enjoyable as possible.

New Mexico is a state full of natural beauty and a terrain designed for outdoor fun. We have a wide variety of rental equipment ranging from party supplies, camping equipment and trailers, to lawn and garden equipment. Our experienced staff also create and facilitate weekly adventure programs designed to get you out in nature. We offer ski trips, rock climbing trips, fishing trips, skydiving trips, rock and mineral collecting trips and many more. There is something for everyone. Please come in and check us out!

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